In the study, the collocation method based on exponential cubic B-spline functions is proposed to solve one dimensional Boussinesq systems numerically. Two initial boundary value problems for Regularized and Classical Boussinesq systems modeling motion of traveling waves are considered. The accuracy of the method is validated by measuring the error between the numerical and analytical solutions. The numerical solutions obtained by various values of free parameter p are compared with some solutions in literature.Keywords: Boussinesq sytems; solitary waves; exponential cubic B-spline; collocation. MSC2010: 35Q99;35C07;76B25;65D07;65M70.
Boussinesq SystemsIn the light of the d' Alembert solution, describing two distinct waves moving in the opposite directions for the Cauchy problem for one dimensional wave equation, many physical problems modeled by linear and nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved in wave forms covering traveling waves, solitary waves, harmonic waves, etc. Waves are an important solution class for the model problems in physics, chemistry, and many fields of engineering. This solution type is widely constructed for different models in various media covering solids and fluids. Class of surface bell-shaped solitary waves, having long amplitude when compared with its width, is one of the most prominent classes of waves. In addition to linear equations, solitary wave solutions have also been studied for well known nonlinear equations and systems such as Korteweg-deVries(KdV), Schrödinger, Boussinesq, etc. Having analytical solutions only for some particular cases including additional restrictions and conditions, many numerical methods have been developed to obtain solutions for nonlinear problems. Dougalis et al.[1] studied the numerical behavior of solitary waves of a member of Boussinesq systems family (Bona-Smith system). In that study, long time stability and possible blow-up solutions were examined under small and large perturbations covering perturbation of amplitudes, system coefficients, etc. Numerical models were constructed with the Galerkin-finite element method on the space S h of smooth, periodic, cubic splines. Quintic B-spline collocation tecnique based on Crank-Nicolson formulation was set up for numerical solutions of Boussines type coupled-BBM system [2]. Two initial boundary value problems describing motion of single solitary wave and interaction of solitary waves were simulated by the proposed method. The numerical results were compared with the analytical ones. * Ozlem Ersoy,