Intracellular collagen degradation by fibroblasts is an important but poorly understood pathway for the physiological remodeling of mature connective tissues. The objective of this study was to determine whether gingival fibroblasts that express endogenous ␣ 2  1 integrin, the collagen receptor, would exhibit the cellular machinery required for phagosomal maturation and collagen degradation. There was a time-dependent increase of collagen bead internalization and a time-dependent decrease of bead-associated ␣ 2  1 integrin after initial bead binding. -Actin and gelsolin associated transiently with beads (0 -30 min) followed by LAMP-2 (60 -240 min) and cathepsin B (30 -240 min). Cytochalasin D prevented phagosome formation and also prevented the sequential fusion of early endosomes with lysosomes. Collagen bead-associated pH was progressively reduced from 7.25 to 5.4, which was contemporaneous with progressive increases in degradation of bead-associated collagen (30 -120 min). Concanamycin blocked acidification of phagolysosomes and collagen degradation but not phagosome maturation. Phagosomal acidification was partly dependent on elevated intracellular calcium. These studies demonstrate that the cellular machinery required for intracellular collagen degradation in fibroblasts closely resembles the vacuolar system in macrophages.Phagocytosis is central to the uptake and degradation of microorganisms as well as damaged or senescent cells and is therefore an essential process in host defense, tissue remodeling, and inflammation. Although "professional" phagocytic cells such as macrophages and neutrophils have been studied in considerable depth (1), several types of nonphagocytic cells such as epithelial cells and fibroblasts can internalize particles and matrix proteins in vivo and in culture. Collagen fibril phagocytosis is thought to be an important pathway for physiological degradation of extracellular matrix in mature connective tissues (2). Uterine, wounded dermal, and periodontal connective tissues exhibit rapid physiological turnover of matrix proteins, processes that are mediated by the intracellular degradation pathway (3). While in inflamed periodontal sites, extracellular matrix metalloproteinases are believed to be responsible for the bulk degradation of connective tissues (4), in normal turnover, fibroblasts are thought to use solely the intracellular vacuolar system for focal proteolysis of collagen (3,5). However, at present, the vacuolar system that mediates intracellular collagen degradation is incompletely characterized.In professional phagocytes, the phagocytic process is initiated by binding of particles to receptors on the plasma membrane, an event that subsequently generates a phagocytic signal (6). In fibroblasts, the initial internalization of intracellular collagen degradation is a specific process that is mediated by the adhesive interactions between ligand and collagen receptors (i.e. ␣ 2  1 integrins; Ref. 7). However, little is known about the regulation of the downstream events and...