26 Erről a "Shakespeare-ideológiáról" részletesen ír többek között William B. Worthen (Shakespeare and the Authority of Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, 41-43) és Terence Hawkes, aki érzékletesen szemlélteti a szerepet, amit Shakespeare játszott a mindenkori társadalmi értékformálásban, és a csatáról, amelyet Hazlitt és Coleridge folytatott Shakespeare "birtoklásáért": "Shakespeare's centrality as an instrument of cultural meaning was confirmed by that contest. The creature familiar to us as 'Shakespeare' was to some degree produced by it. Reinforced and transmitted by the educational system, this is a figure we immediately recognize and embrace: liberal, disinterested, allwise, his plays the repository, guarantee and chief distributor next to God of unchanging truth." Terence Hawkes.