Membrane-based desalination technologies for agricultural applications are widely applied in many countries around the world. Sustainable and cost-effective desalination technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO), membrane distillation, forward osmosis, membrane bioreactor, and electrodialysis, are available to provide treated water, but the pure water product does not 1 Introduction 5-8 2 Applicability of membrane desalination technologies for fertigation 8-10 3 Water quality required for agricultural irrigation 10-12 4 Challenges in membrane technologies development 12-15 Water nutrient production from seawater/brackish water 15-28 5.1 Pressure-driven membrane process 15-19 5.1.1 RO process 15-17 5.1.2 NF process 17-19 5.1.3 FO process 19-22 5.2 Chemical-driven membrane process 23-28 5.2.1 Electrodialysis (ED) process 23-25 5.2.2 Capacitive Deionization (CDI) process 25-28 6 Water nutrient production from industrial wastewater 28-39 6.1 Pressure-driven membrane process 28-31 6.2 FO process 31-34 6.3 Temperature-driven membrane system 34-36 6.4 Membrane bioreactor (MBRs) process 36-39 7 Application of hybrid systems for agriculture 39-58