The X-ray acoustic method for determination the structure perfection integral claracteristics is suggested for sligltly imperfect dislocation-free crystals. The method is suitable for investigation of a crystal disturbed both by localized (microdefects) and by distributed (macrostrains) structure defects. It is based on ihe analysis of dependence of tle distance Δx between two minima, arising in the spatial intensity profile I(x) of the X-ray beam diffracted by acoustically excited crysial, upon ultrasound frequency νs . Using the daia Δx(νs) for two selected reflections, we calculated the values of the extinction lengths Λ whicl enabled us to ideniify the predominate type of structure disturbances as well as to estimate the static Debye-Waller factors e -L and tle period of the main macrodeformation λΜ fora sample containing simultaneously microdefects and periodic long range deformations. Such approach was used for studying the structure perfection of Czochralski-grown (Cz) and float-zone (FZ) sificon crysials.