We report on the experimental investigation of the response of a three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in the presence of a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice. By means of Bragg spectroscopy we probe the band structure of the excitation spectrum in the presence of the periodic potential. We selectively induce elementary excitations of the BEC choosing the transferred momentum and we observe different resonances in the energy transfer, corresponding to the transitions to different bands. The frequency, the width and the strength of these resonances are investigated as a function of the amplitude of the 1D optical lattice.PACS numbers: 67.85. Hj, 67.85.De The knowledge of the linear response of a complex system gives crucial information about its many-body behavior. For example, the superfluid properties of a three-dimensional (3D) Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) are related to the linear part of the phononic dispersion relation at low momenta [1]. The presence of optical lattices enriches the excitation spectrum of a BEC in a remarkable way. For deep three-dimensional lattices, the gas enters the strongly correlated Mott insulator phase and the spectrum exhibits a gap at low energies [2]. The response of a BEC in the superfluid phase is also drastically modified by the presence of a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice [3,4,5,6,7]. Indeed, as in any periodic system, energy gaps open in the spectrum at the multiples of the lattice momentum and it is possible to excite several states corresponding to different energy bands at a given value of the momentum transfer [8,9]. In addition, the linear dispersion relation of the superfluid, and thus its sound velocity, is changed. In the mean-field regime of interactions these peculiar features of the excitations of a superfluid BEC in the presence of an optical lattice are captured by the Bogoliubov theory [1].Bragg spectroscopy represents an excellent experimental tool to investigate the linear response of gaseous BECs [10]. It has allowed to measure the dispersion relation of interacting BECs in the mean-field regime [11,12,13] In this work we use Bragg spectroscopy to probe the excitation spectrum of a 3D BEC loaded in a 1D optical lattice. Previous experimental studies have so far investigated the excitations of superfluid BECs within the lowest energy band of a 3D optical lattice by means of lattice modulation [19] and Bragg spectroscopy [18,20]. This paper presents a detailed experimental study of the different bands in the excitation spectrum of an interacting 3D BEC in the presence of a 1D optical lattice. We measure the resonance frequencies, the strengths and the widths of the transitions to different bands of the 1D optical lattice. The measurements are quantitatively compared with Bogoliubov mean-field calculations for our experimental system [7]. We produce a 3D cigar-shaped BEC of N≃ 3 × 10 5 87 Rb atoms in a Ioffe-Pritchard magnetic trap whose