We derive a Laurent series expansion for the structure coefficients appearing in the dual basis corresponding to the Kauffman diagram basis of the Temperley-Lieb algebra TL k (d), converging for all complex loop parameters d with |d| > 2 cos π k+1 . In particular, this yields a new formula for the structure coefficients of the Jones-Wenzl projection in TL k (d). The coefficients appearing in each Laurent expansion are shown to have a natural combinatorial interpretation in terms of a certain graph structure we place on noncrossing pairings, and these coefficients turn out to have the remarkable property that they either always positive integers or always negative integers. As an application, we answer affirmatively a question of Vaughan Jones, asking whether every Temperley-Lieb diagram appears with non-zero coefficient in the expansion of each dual basis element in TL k (d) (when d ∈ R\[−2 cos π k+1 , 2 cos π k+1 ]). Specializing to Jones-Wenzl projections, this result gives a new proof of a result of Ocneanu [Ocn02], stating that every Temperley-Lieb diagram appears with non-zero coefficient in a Jones-Wenzl projection. Our methods establish a connection with the Weingarten calculus on free quantum groups, and yield as a byproduct improved asymptotics for the free orthogonal Weingarten function. orthogonality relation in forming H).In the above picture, the dots on the top right corner indicate further vertices of H that lie in NC 2 (8) × NC 2 (8) that we have ommitted. We are not concerned with these other vertices because they are not relevant for the computation of the leading order data L(p, q) or m 0 (p, q) (they give rise to paths strictly longer than the single shortest path from (p, q) to (∅, ∅) of length 8). We thus conclude from inspection of this graph that m 0 (p, q) = 1 and L(p, q) = 8.