The active thiol group of lombricine kinase from Lurnbricus terrestris muscle was labelled with N-ethyl-[l-14C]maleimide. The resulting inactivated N-ethyl-[l-14C]succinimido enzyme was then subjected to tryptic hydrolysis.The peptide containing the labelled essential thiol group was isolated and found to contain:Leu-Gly-Tyr-Ile-Thr-[14C]Cys-Pro-Gly-Ser-Asn-Leu-Gly-Thr-Leu-Arg. The amino acid sequence around this thiol group was very similar with that of homologous ATP : guanidine phosphotransferases previously studied, arginine kinase from Homarm vulgaris muscle, creatine kinases from ox brain and ox muscle and from rabbit muscle. I n addition among the other enzymes of this group, lombricine kinase is of special interest since it is the only dimeric enzyme of molecular weight N 80000 which possesses only one essential thiol group and one nucleotide binding site per two subunits.Seven types of guanidine phosphotransferases with different guanidine substrate specificity are known [l]. All of them possess one or two sulfhydryl groups essential for their activity [2].The amino acid sequences around the two essential cysteinyl residues of creatine kinases from rabbit During a comparative study of the active site of these homologous enzymes, the primary structure around the thiol group of Homarus vulgaris muscle arginine kinase (mol. wt = 40000) was investigated in this laboratory [S].I n the present work we describe the isolation and the amino acid sequence determination of the tryptic peptide containing the essential cysteinyl residue obtained from a third guanidine phosphotransferase, lombricine kinase from Lurnbricm terrestris muscle (mol. wt = 80000).Among the other enzymes of this group, lombricine kinase is of peculiar interest ; further studies demonstrated that, although possessing a molecular weight of 80000 like creatine kinase . This pecularity suggests that only one of the two subunits of this enzyme plays a catalytic role.
MATERIALSPure lombrinic kinase from Lurnbricus terrestris was prepared as previously described [lo]. Its specific activity was 77.Trypsin(TPCK-trypsin) treated with tosyl phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone, obtained from Calbiochem, was dissolved in 1 mM HC1 at a concentration of 0.5O/, and stored a t -10 "C.