“…Unlike traditional paradigms, in these cases there is little a priori knowledge about the timing/occurrence of the relevant events and, hence, the construction of “predictors” for data‐fitting is challenging [but see Bartels et al, 2008; Bordier et al, 2013; Lahnakoski et al, 2012a; Ogawa et al, 2013; Raz et al, 2012]. Indeed, most studies using naturalistic stimuli sought to identify patterns of activity based only on the data structure [i.e., data‐driven approaches, e.g., independent component analyses, Bartels and Zeki, 2005; Lahnakoski et al, 2012b; for review see Calhoun and Pearlson, 2012; intersubject correlation analyses, Hasson et al, 2004; cluster analyses, Heller et al, 2006]. Nonetheless, the available data‐driven methods entail several limitations that, here, we seek to overcome with a new approach that combines data‐driven and multivariate clustering techniques.…”