Disruption of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) can occur through different mechanisms and pathways. As these pathways result in increased permeability to different classes of substances, it is likely that the neurological insults that occur will also differ for these pathways. The major categories of BBB disruption are paracellular (between cells) and transcellular (across cells) with a subcategory of transcellular leakage involving vesicles (transcytotic). Older literature, as well as more recent studies, highlights the importance of the transcellular pathways in BBB disruption. Of the various transcytotic mechanisms that are thought to be active at the BBB, some are linked to receptor-mediated transcytosis, whereas others are likely involved in BBB disruption. For most capillary beds, transcytotic mechanisms are less clearly linked to permeability than are membrane spanning canaliculi and fenestrations. Disruption pathways share cellular mechanisms to some degree as exemplified by transcytotic caveolar and transcellular canaliculi formations. The discovery of some of the cellular components involved in transcellular mechanisms of BBB disruption and the ability to measure them are adding greatly to our classic knowledge, which is largely based on ultrastructural studies. Future work will likely address the conditions and diseases under which the various pathways of disruption are active, the different impacts that they have, and the cellular biology that underlies the different pathways to disruption.