A sharp dip in the spectrum of γ rays coming from compact objects below 70 MeV would be an unambiguous signal that compact astrophysical objects have a physical surface, and there is no event horizon. Observation of this effect would open a window for the empirical study of Planck scale physics
IntroductionBlack hole solutions of the classical Einstein equations pose a number of conceptual difficulties, not the least of which is incompatibility with elementary quantum mechanics. It has been suggested that in reality the interior of a compact object is a "squeezed" version of the ordinary space-time vacuum [1]. This led to the suggestion [2,3] that the surface separating the squeezed vacuum from the ordinary vacuum is a physical surface that produces observable effects rather than an event horizon. One of us (GC) has coined the name "dark energy star" for a compact object where this surface is a quantum critical layer [4]. In sharp contrast with the celebrated prediction of classical general relativity that nothing happens to particles as they fall through the event horizon, one finds that in the quantum criticality picture ordinary matter will undergo a dramatic transformation at the surface of a dark energy star. In particular, elementary particles whose initial momentum exceeds a characteristic value Q 0 , on the order of 100(M o /M) 1/2 MeV/c, where M is the mass of the compact object, will be strongly scattered and can decay into other elementary particles [5]. These interactions are similar to those experienced by quasiparticles in a quantum liquid near to a quantum critical point. A remarkable prediction of this quantum criticality picture is that protons hitting the surface of a compact astrophysical object will decay into positrons and mesons [5].It happens that the quarks and gluons inside nucleons typically have momenta that exceed Q 0 for all known compact objects, and therefore will undergo strong interactions at the surface if the surface is a quantum critical layer. In grand unified models of elementary particles such as the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) model [6] nucleon disappearance will then proceed via the baryon number violating reactions: