This project's objectives include locating brain tumours and enhancing patient care. Tumours are abnormal cell growths, and malignant tumours are abnormal cell growths. The two types of scans, CT and MRI frequently detect infected brain tissues. Numerous more techniques are employed for the diagnosis of brain tumours, some of which include molecular testing, and positive charges imaging of blood or lymph arteries. In order to identify disease causes like tumors, this article will use various MRI pictures. This study paper's major goals are to 1) recognize irregular sample photos and 2) locate the tumor region. In order to administer the appropriate therapy, the aberrant portions of the photographs will anticipate the levels of tumours. From example photos, deep learning is utilized to identify anomalous areas. The aberrant section will be segmented in this study using VGG-16. The number of pixels that are malignant determines the extent of the contaminated area.