Figure 1. Cognate collective taxis behaviors realized by organisms and robots across scales. A) Collective migration of particle robots and cells. Loosely coupled particles present collective phototaxis (left). Reproduced with permission. [11] Copyright 2019, Springer Nature. Cells perform collective migration in 3D environments (right). Reproduced with permission. [4] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature. B) Self-assembly of robots and bacteria. A swarm of 1024 kilobots form a star-like pattern (left). Reproduced with permission. [14] Copyright 2014, AAAS. A swarm of E. coli cells form a right-handed colony (right). Scale bar: 5 mm. Reproduced with permission. [15] Copyright 2011, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. C) Collective taxes of macroscopic organisms (e.g., fishes, birds, and ants) and robots. D) Collective taxes of microorganisms (e.g., sperms, [19] cells, and bacteria [20] ) and microrobots. [21] E) Connection constructed by ants and NPs. Weaver ants establish a bridge to connect leaves (left). Reproduced with permission. [7] Copyright 2002, Springer Nature. Magnetic NPs with gold functionalization connect two broken electrodes in a targeted position (right). Reproduced with permission. [16] Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. F) Avoidance of predators. A bait ball of fishes is formed during the hunting of a sea lion (left). Reproduced with permission. [22] Copyright 2019, Science and Information Organization. The biomimetic predator-prey behavior in a binary system of active micromotors (right). Reproduced with permission. [17] Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society.