During this final time period of the project, work was carried out in two areas. A major amount of effort was devoted to preparation of the final technical report for the project. The data taken on the project were organized and the asphaltenes, solvents, and catalysts used in the diffusional uptake experiments were organized into various systems. Since a large portion of the time for this report was spent on the preparation of the final technical report itself, the executive summary of the final technical report has been included in this semi-annual report as indicative of the effort during this time period. In addition to work on the final technical report for the project, a limited experimental study of dye adsorption into active carbon particles was performed by an undergraduate student in chemical engineering, Mr. Zachery Emerson. The objective of this study was to compare the diffusional uptake performance in two different types of vessels, a stirred glass cell and the tubing microreactor, for a simple dye-water-carbon diffusional uptake system. Due to time limitations, only qualitative conclusions were drawn from this study.