Sažetak. Cilj: Prikazati rijedak klinički entitet kasnog javljanja obostranih branhijalnih cista vrata. Branhijalne ciste najčešće su cistične tvorbe koje se javljaju na vratu. Pitanje njihovog nastanka još je uvijek otvoreno, iako se većina stručnjaka slaže da su branhijalnog podrijetla. Većina ih se dijagnosticira do trećeg desetljeća života. Klinički se javljaju kao bezbolni otok u gornjem dijelu vrata. Češće su kod muškaraca, većinom su jednostrane i češće lokalizirane na lijevoj strani vrata. Prikaz slučaja: U radu smo prikazali slučaj relativno kasnog, obostranog javljanja branhijalnih cista vrata kod 55-godišnjeg muškarca. Ciste imponiraju veličinom, a obje su se javile gotovo istovremeno, bez ikakvih ranijih manifestacija. Zaključak: Nakon dijagnostičke obrade učinjena je ekscizija lijeve ciste, a mjesec dana kasnije i desne ciste vrata. Patohistološki nalaz potvrdio je da se radilo o branhijalnim cistama.
Ključne riječi: branhijalne cisteAbstract. Aim: To report a rare entity of late presentation of bilateral branchial cysts of the neck. Branchial cysts are most often cystic masses that are located on the neck.The question of their appearance is still open, although majority of experts agree that they are of branchial origin. Majority of them are diagnosed until the third decade of life. Clinicaly they appear as painless sweling in the upper part of the neck. They are found more on men, they are mostly one-sided and on the left side of the neck. Case report: The paper describes a relatively late, both-sided appearance of branchial cysts of the neck of 55-year old man. The cysts are impressive in their size and both of them appeared almost at the same time without any earlier signs. Conclusion: After the disgnostic treatment, one month after the first excision the left side cyst, we performed the excision of the right side cyst. Pathological findings confirmed that they were branchial cysts.