The extent to which customer relationship management helps to retain customers in telecommunications companies is investigated in this study. Logistic regression was used to evaluate questionnaires from 120 respondents. According to the findings, respondents were dissatisfied with after-sale services (76.6%), support staff knowledge (80%), interaction facilities (78.3%), and customer information (76.6%). Predictor variable models account for approximately 90% of the variability, with a proportion of valid variables ranging from 77.3% to 88.3%. While age and income were statistically significant for staff knowledge (0.003) and customer information (0.004), the logistic regression coefficient for after-sale service shows that age and education have negative effects of −0.38 and −0.37, respectively. Income and time have a detrimental impact on the model for staff knowledge. Besides, the chi-square result was significant for all tested CRM variables except for the facility used for customer interaction, which was insignificant (p = 0.54). Thus, telecommunication companies must emphasize customer relationship management and allocate a fair budget to support good customer service, facility quality, as well as timely and sufficient product information.