Let ${\mathcal{M}}_{\operatorname{Dol}}(X,G)$ denote the hyperkähler moduli space of $G$-Higgs bundles over a smooth projective curve $X$. In the context of four dimensional supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory, Kapustin and Witten introduced the notion of (BBB)-brane: boundary conditions that are compatible with the B-model twist in every complex structure of ${\mathcal{M}}_{\operatorname{Dol}}(X,G)$. The geometry of such branes was initially proposed to be hyperkähler submanifolds that support a hyperholomorphic bundle. Gaiotto has suggested a more general type of (BBB)-brane defined by perfect analytic complexes on the Deligne–Hitchin twistor space $\operatorname{Tw}({\mathcal{M}}_{\operatorname{Dol}}(X,G))$. Following Gaiotto’s suggestion, this paper proposes a framework for the categorification of (BBB)-branes, both on the moduli spaces and on the corresponding derived moduli stacks. We do so by introducing the Deligne stack, a derived analytic stack with corresponding moduli space $\operatorname{Tw}({\mathcal{M}}_{\operatorname{Dol}}(X,G))$, defined as a gluing between two analytic Hodge stacks along the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. We then construct a class of (BBB)-branes using integral functors that arise from higher non-abelian Hodge theory, before discussing their relation to the Wilson functors from the Dolbeault geometric Langlands correspondence.