Palynological studies was carried out on GZ-1 well from the onshore western Niger Delta in order to recognized a new detected developments in the varieties of key pollen and spore taxa that have shorter and more distinguished interval zones to advance stratigraphical delineation. Palynological analysis was carried out using the conventional maceration technique for recovering acid insoluble organic-walled microfossils from sediments. The result yielded rich and diversified palynomorphs. The main assemblage were dominated by angiosperm pollen grain (dominant global flora from Late Cretaceous onwards) followed by pteridophytes/bryophyte spore. Dinoflagellate cysts, on the contrast, were less diverse while the Gymnosperm pollen were scarce. The identified palynomorph were used to establish seven main zones - AF1 Psilatricolporites crassus zone, AF2 Verrucatosporites usmensis zone, AF3 Triplochiton scleroxylon zone, AF4 Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni zone, AF5 Acrostichum aureum zone, AF6 Gemmatriporites ogwashiensis zone and AF7 Retitricolporites irregularis zone in this study. Established on quantitative events, the zones were also divided into seven subzones with some having finer subdivisions into (a) and (b) ranging in age from Early Oligocene to Early Miocene. Previous unfiled event trends of important indicator taxa of spores and pollen accredited to Pelliceria, Caesalapinoideae, Stenochlaena palustris, Polypodiaceae, Lygodium microphyllum, Polypodiaceae, Adiantaceae and Amanoa (Euphorbiaceae) have assisted improvement of formerly used palynological zonation schemes in the Niger Delta. It is anticipated that this quantitative zonation scheme erected, will help with imminent palynostratigraphical studies in the onshore Niger delta area.