The objectives of Task 17 support the goals of member countries for bioenergy production and use. These objectives are as follows:• to stimulate the full-scale implementation of energy crops in the participating countries • to strengthen the contacts and co-operation between participating countries, scientists, biomass producers, machine developers, entrepreneurs, and end users to select the most urgent research and development areas and suggest projects of co-operation • to inform Ex-Co-members • to deliver proceedings from the meetings
Task OrganizationThe Operating Agency for the Task is The Swedish National Energy Administration represented by Dr. Lars Tegnér and Dr. Björn Telenius.The Task leader is Professor Lars Christersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.The country participation in Task 17 at the time of the meeting included Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Commission of European Communities (CEC).
ChristerssonThe representatives of member countries were
Task MeetingsThe following meetings have been held with these listed published Proceedings:
AcknowledgmentsThe September 6-9, 1999, meeting of Task 17 members was hosted by Dr. David Bransby of Auburn University and organized by Wilma McNabb of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In addition to the papers and topics included in this proceedings, there were several presentations given on shortrotation crops research being performed by scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Auburn University. The tours organized by Dr. Bransby included a visit to a biomass waste burning facility, a tour of a co-firing test facility, a tour of switchgrass planted on farmland in Alabama, and a tour of the Auburn Herbaceous Crops field research plots. Our thanks are expressed to Dr. David Bransby and Wilma McNabb for a well-organized and interesting set of meetings and tours. The Australian Biomass Taskforce ( was formed by a group of Federal Government organisations wishing to promote and foster a biomass energy industry in Australia. Incorporated in the Memorandum of Understanding that set up the Taskforce The role of the Biomass Taskforce in Task 17 is that of convenor and facilitator of the Australian Collaborators' Group. Purpose-grown biomass for energy and residues from shortrotation crops are seen to be important for a biomass energy future. Values that should flow from the broader adoption of biomass are increased jobs (particularly in rural areas), industry development, landcare (salinity and erosion control), provision of energy in a responsive and flexible manner, greenhouse friendly electricity and energy, and a lesser impact on the local environment. The outcomes the Biomass Taskforce wants are an increased awareness, understanding, and adoption of biomass energy in all its forms, including that from shortrotation forestry and crops.
Bioenergy in the context of Australia's National Greenhouse Str...