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August 2002
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Neurofibromatosis Clinical Data
REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDAnnual (1 Aug 01 -31 Jul 02)
AUTHOR(S)Harry Joe, Ph.D.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)The University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada E-MAIL:harry VST 1Z3
ABSTRACT ('Maximum 200 Words)The large phenotypic variability of NFl and NF2 complicates clinical management, confounds analysis of clinical treatment trials, limits the prognostic value of genetic counselling and adds substantially to the burden of the disease. The goals of this project are to devise new statistical methods to find patterns and relationships within the phenotypes and genotypes of people with NF, and to effectively model tumour formation in these disorders. In this way, we hope to be able to provide methods to better predict phenotype, enhance the effectiveness of genetic counselling and clinical screening, and aid in analysis of clinical trials' results.This project describes research in statistical methods that would be usefiil for statistical modelling and analysis of clinical data from NFl and NF2 subjects. The statistical methods are classified into the areas: (a) estimation of familial correlation for different types of data, (b) assessment of multi-hit mutation models for incidence of tumours.Many of the statistical methods to be developed are either new or partly new and require ftirther research for computer software implementation. (B) To develop methods to elaborate on the standard two-hit model of tumour formation, taking into account additional pathogenic factors and allelic differences for tumours in NFl and NF2.
Research AccomplishmentsThe research accomplishments associated with each objective from the statement of work are summarized below. Most of the progress in the past year, in the accepted papers and continuing PhD thesis work, has been in this objective. A summary of the statistical aspects of relevant accepted papers is given, followed by a report of newer statistical methods that are being developed for ftiture use when the databases are larger.In Baser et al AJHG (2002), a study was done of risk factors for mortality in people with neurofibroma...