PACS. 05.45.-a -Nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear dynamical systems. PACS. 64.60.Ht -Dynamical critical phenomena. PACS. 68.35.-p -Solid surfaces and solid-solid interfaces: structure and energetics.Abstract. -In the dynamics of the undamped Frenkel-Kontorova model with kinetic terms, we find a transition between two regimes, a floating incommensurate and a pinned incommensurate phase. This behavior is compared to the static version of the model. While in the static case the two regimes are separated by a single transition (the Aubry transition), in the dynamical case the transition is characterized by a critical region, in which different phenomena take place at different times. In this paper, the generalized angular momentum we have previously introduced, and the dynamical modulation function are used to begin a characterization of this critical region. We further elucidate the relation between these two quantities, and present preliminary results about the order of the dynamical transition.Introduction. -The Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) model [1] describes the interaction of a harmonic chain of atoms with a rigid substrate with period incommensurate to the lattice parameter of the chain. Its generality makes it a powerful model to investigate many different physical systems [2,3], and in particular microscopic friction between contacting surfaces [4][5][6]. The static version of the model is characterized by the Aubry transition [7], from a floating to a pinned state, for a critical value λ c of the substrate modulation potential. Using the undamped dynamical version of this model, we addressed in previous papers the topic of "dissipation" (in the sense of transfer of energy from the center of mass to phonon modes) in incommensurate structures: we have studied the mechanism (parametric resonances) that governs the onset of sliding friction [6], and the conditions under which a new conserved quantity can be defined, which can be seen as a Generalized Angular Momentum (GAM) in the complex plane [8].In this work, we present new results, showing that, in the dynamics, a floating-to-pinned transition, analogous to the static Aubry transition, is found for all values of the potential λ < λ c . The transition is characterized by a region of critical times, with a remarkably complex behavior. After describing the FK model, we show that the dynamical modulation function undergoes at a critical time t c1 the same breaking of analiticity that, in the static case, occurs at λ c . A second critical time t c2 > t c1 , at which the GAM conservation stops,