For thin oil-rim reservoirs, well placement, well type, well path and the completion methods shall be evaluated with close integration of key reservoir and production engineering considerations. This involves maximizing reservoir fluid contact and drainage, optimizing the well productivity, and optimizing well life-cycle production profile along the wellbore. Field implementation cases in Malaysia have been shown that this integrated approach to design and drill horizontal wells can significantly minimize the well count, enhance the well performance, and improve the ultimate recovery per well in thin oil-rim reservoirs with varying reservoir complexity and uncertainties. 45 horizontal wells were progressively drilled and all completed with ICD in a relatively flat thin oil-rim reservoir offshore in peninsular Malaysia. In this successful oil development, well path between the GOC and OWC was optimized to delay the water breakthrough and reduce the decline trend in different reservoir sectors with varying horizontal well length up to Ͼ 2,000 m. Good performance of the ICD was confirmed by PLT surveys and by tracer effluents evaluation with different type of tracers implemented in various sections of the horizontal well completion.For a low pressure thinner oil-rim reservoir in offshore Sabah, horizontal wells were drilled with ICV completed in the gas cap. This smart well design enables having in-situ gas lift operation during the initial oil production, and progressively changing to the planned gas-cap blow-down operation for maximizing the overall hydrocarbon recovery. In another oil-rim reservoir, a long horizontal wellbore with ICD design was completed with dual-strings to further optimize drawdown pressure distribution along the long wellbore and improve oil drainage and oil recovery.This paper is to share not only the lessons learnt in drilling and completion of these smart horizontal wells but also illustrate the impact of these smart well designs in adding values to the field development projects.