Ahstract-Aside from the benefits it brings, 3D-IC technology inevitably exacerbates the difficulty of power delivery with volumetrically increasing power consumption. Recent work managed to "recycle" current within the 3D stack by linking the different layers' supply/ground nets into a series connection. This charge-recycled (also known as voltage-stacked, or V-S) scheme provides a scalable so lution for 3D-IC's power delivery because it supports an arbitrary number of layers with a constant off-chip current demand. Although prior work has studied the circuit im plementation of a V-S power delivery network (PDN) and its current-reduction benefits, a whole-system evaluation of V-S PDNs' transient voltage noise and a noise comparison between the V-S PDN and the traditional PDN are miss ing. In this paper, we build a system-level model to exam ine voltage-stacked 3D-ICs' transient noise and explore the impact of different PDN design parameters and workload behaviors. Our results show that compared with the tra ditional PDN scheme, V-S provides stronger isolation for cross-layer noise interference, which in turn grants higher performance benefits for run-time noise mitigation tech niques, such as dynamic margin adaptation. We observe that, compared with traditional PDNs, V-S PDNs provide up to 60% lower transient noise in the worst-case scenario. Furthermore, we show that V-S PDNs significantly reduce the packaging cost, because their noise is almost insensitive to the package impedance (e.g., a 300% impedance increase only raises worst-case noise by less than 0.3% Vdd).