Brexit is a watershed moment in the life of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that significantly reflects its circumstantial national socio-political and psychological situation. The article argued that national desperation and frustration greatly affect society, politics, and national psychology. These elements trigger and act as the fundamental driving force in shaking and shaping the course of action in the life of nations and states (most importantly former colonial powers). However, national desperation and frustration are not limited towards taking desperate measures but could also result in a radical shift in alliances and the overall orientation of the state. The article took a brief survey of Britain's politico-strategic and psychological history and analysed the variables culminating in the form of Brexit. It considered the psychological, socio-political, economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and military aspects, in analysing the Brexit. It concluded in the light of such variables. Moreover, it presented potential ramifications of such endeavours. The article offered a tentative road in overcoming British