The18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction provides one of the main HCNO-breakout routes into the rp-process in X-ray bursts. The 18 Ne(α,p0) 21 Na reaction cross section has been determined for the first time in the Gamow energy region for peak temperatures T∼2GK by measuring its time-reversal reaction 21 Na(p,α) 18 Ne in inverse kinematics. The astrophysical rate for ground-state to ground-state transitions was found to be a factor of 2 lower than Hauser-Feshbach theoretical predictions. Our reduced rate will affect the physical conditions under which breakout from the HCNO cycles occurs via the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction.PACS numbers: 25.60. 26.30.Ca, 25.45.Hi Type I X-ray bursters (XRBs) exhibit brief recurrent bursts of intense X-ray emission and represent a frequent phenomenon in our Galaxy. Recent observations from space-borne X-ray satellites (BeppoSAX, RXTE, Chandra and XMM Newton) have provided a great wealth of data and have marked a new era in X-ray astronomy. Yet, to fully exploit these observations, similar advances in our understanding of the nuclear reactions responsible for the bursts are required. XRBs are driven by a thermonuclear runaway on the surface of a neutron star that accretes H-and He-rich material from a less evolved companion in a semi-detached binary system [1]. Depending on the mass accretion rate, high enough temperatures and densities can be achieved that trigger hydrogen burning through the hot, β-limited CNO cycles (HCNO) and the subsequent ignition of the triple-α process. However, the thermonuclear runaway requires a breakout from the HCNO cycle and the ignition of the rapid-proton capture process (rp-process) at peak temperatures T≃ 1-2 GK. The 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction is believed to provide the main breakout route at T≥0.8GK and ρ ≥10 5 g/cm 3 [2], but the actual physical conditions at which the breakout occurs depend critically on the accurate knowledge of the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction rate. A direct investigation of this important reaction is severely hampered by the low intensity (≤ 10 6 pps) of radioactive 18 Ne beams presently available and by the further complications associated with the use of a 4 He gas target. Thus, the only two direct measurements available to date extend to minimum energies of E cm = 2.0 MeV [3] and E cm = 1.7 MeV [4]. These are still too high compared to the energy region E cm ≤1.5 MeV of interest for HCNO breakout in X-ray bursts.The first theoretical estimates of the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na reaction rate [5] were based on sparse experimental information on the level structure of the compound nucleus 22 Mg above the α-particle threshold at 8.14 MeV. Inspection of the structure of the mirror nucleus . Yet, a comparison of all the reaction rates currently available shows discrepancies of up to several orders of magnitude both below and above T ∼1GK (see [9] and references therein). In addition, it remains unclear whether the Hauser-Feshbach statistical calculations provide a reliable estimate of the 18 Ne(α,p) 21 Na rate in the whole temperature region relevant ...