Romantic breakups are common among youths. Yet "why" they occur is not well understood. In adolescence and emerging adulthood, unique characteristics of romantic participation call for investigation of breakups from a developmental perspective. Our principal objective was to map out breakup reasons of adolescents and emerging adults, accounting for relevant theory and research on both age-groups. We considered the role of age, gender, and dating stage (casual vs. serious) on youths' breakup reasons. Results revealed a five-factor scale with affiliation, intimacy, autonomy, infidelity, and status as unique factors. Consistent with theory and research, we found similarities and differences in how youths of different age, dating stage, and gender endorse these reasons. These findings are consistent with the notion that breakups stem from a failure of romantic relationships to meet youths' emerging romantic needs, and that there is considerable continuity in these relational dimensions from adolescence into emerging adulthood.