Most women and their families will have a natural fear of breast cancer if their relative has to use HRT. The prayer is that while HRT makes their relative well and happy, they pray that she does not develop breast cancer.Secondly, they will have no idea that there is a cogent relationship between ERT/HRT and Alzheimer's Dementia (AD). Most people are too afraid to think of AD because they have heard that there is no treatment or cure for AD. However, that worry should not arise if the woman needs to use Estrogen Replacement therapy alone (unopposed ERT) which is the hormone that needs to be replaced, and not the additional Progestogens for the protection of the uterus against cancer of the endometrium. The concern about the risk of endometrial cancer has not been supported with appropriate evidence. 6 The critical window coincides with when women have common symptoms of the peri-menopause including depression, anxiety, accomplishing less, impatience, feeling tired and worn out, avoiding intimacy, aching in muscle and joints, difficulty sleeping, decrease in physical strength, decrease in stamina, lacking energy, frequent urination and avoiding intimacy. While these would be easily recognized in women who have stopped menstruating as menopausal, women in the peri-menopause might still be menstruating and the diagnosis is not considered.The peri-menopause is associated with other conditions which affect women cogently such as migraines, depression and even divorces.This article reports on the association between ERT and breast cancer, Alzheimer's Dementia, Ovarian cancer and Depression. It shows, cogently, that ERT does not harm the breasts. There is some logical evidence that it might protect the breasts against cancer. This is important because it is very different from the widely held belief, worldwide, that Estrogen replacement can cause breast cancer and confirms that peri-menopausal Estrogen replacement can prevent against AD.