A novel clustering method is proposed for mammographic mass segmentation on extracted regions of interest (ROIs) by using deterministic annealing incorporating circular shape function (DACF). The objective function reported in this
study uses both intensity and spatial shape information, and the dominant dissimilarity measure is controlled by two weighting
parameters. As a result, pixels having similar intensity information but located in different regions can be
differentiated. Experimental results shows that, by using DACF, the mass segmentation results in digitized mammograms are improved
with optimal mass boundaries, less number of noisy patches, and computational efficiency. An average probability of segmentation
error of 7.18% for well-defined masses (or 8.06% for ill-defined masses) was obtained by using DACF on MiniMIAS database, with 5.86% (or 5.55%) and 6.14% (or 5.27%) improvements as compared to the standard DA and fuzzy c-means methods.