In the context of Fast Ignition, the fast electron temperature is a key parameter to determine the laserto-fast electron energy conversion efficiency. Bremsstrahlung X-ray (γ-ray) emission represents an attractive alternative to measure this fundamental parameter. In this study, a single-shot high-energy γ-ray spectrometer with sensitivity ranging from 0.5 MeV to 7 MeV was developed, allowing to estimate the γ-ray spectrum in the fast ignition. Keywords: fast ignition, inertial confinement fusion, fast electron, x-ray spectrometer, filter stack spectrometer DOI: 10.1585/pfr.9.4405109
InroductionFast Ignition (FI) is an alternative approach to Inertial Confinement Fusion, consisting in the separation of the compression and heating stages. In FI, the heating of the compressed Deuterium-Tritium (DT) fuel is produced by a ultra-high intensity laser-generated fast electron beam depositing its energy in the high density plasma by Coulomb interaction. The coupling efficiency is strongly dependent on the fast electron energy distribution, therefore representing a crucial parameter to be diagnosed [1]. From simulations, in order to ignite a compressed DT pellet having density of 300 g/cm 3 , 18 kJ of fast electron energy has to be deposited within a diameter of 40 µm in the compressed fuel. Fast electrons in the 1-3 MeV energy range are responsible for the energy deposition in such a small volume, allowing for the creation of a lateral hot spot. Thus high conversion efficiency into 1-3 MeV energy range fast electrons is fundamental for the achievement of Fast Ignition [2][3][4]. However, it is difficult to measure initial fast electron temperature from the outside of plasma because of the strong sheath potential around the target. The bremsstrahlung X-ray is an attractive alternative diagnostic for this aim. In previous works, many kind of γ-ray detectors with different sensitivities have been developed. Various techniques have been adopted to measure the fast electron energy spectrum, such as vacuum electron specauthor's e-mail: * ) This article is based on the presentation at the Conference on Laser and Accelerator Neutron Source and Applications (LANSA '13).troscopy, nuclear activation, Bremsstrahlung, buried fluorescent foils, proton emission, and coherent transition radiation [5][6][7][8][9]. Filter stack technique uses differential filtering to discriminate the γ-ray spectrum [10,11]. The spectrometer consists of thirteen filters of increasing Z, five 100 µm thick filters Al, Ti, Fe, Cu and Mo, followed by 150 µm Ag, 500 µm Sn and Ta filters, and one 1.58 mm Au filter. Finally four Pb filters with thickness varying from 1 mm to 4 mm for differential filtering are positioned in the stack. Nuclear activation technique uses photo nuclear activation to discriminate the γ-ray spectrum. In this method, γ-ray spectrum is measured from the activation ratio of a pseudo- . However, observable energy range of these two detectors are respectively up to 0.5 keV and above 7 MeV, respectively. Thus, ...