“…Hirschmuller (1978Hirschmuller ( / 1989, who challenged Freud's account of his appeal to Breuer's daughter as witness, had previously also emphasized the importance of these additional case reports of patients with undisguised sexual symptoms, although Hirschmuller doubted that Breuer used the cathartic method to treat them. Reeves (1982) proposed that we take the phrase attributed to Anna O., "Now Dr. Breuer's baby is coming," as a reference to the anniversary of the conception of Breuer's daughter Dora, whose birth on March 11 would make her conception approximately between June 4 and June 11, 1881. Because the patient was re-living each day as it had occurred a year earlier, her alleged (1982), moreover, the finding of "seven other case studies by Breuer, all case reports of patients with undisguised sexual symptoms, although Hirschmuller doubted that Breuer used the cathartic method to treat them.…”