The modern theory of quantum mechanics is incomplete. It is capable of describing the quantum energy field on the microscopic scale via the Schrödinger equation and its derivatives but is not capable of describing the energy field on the macroscopic scale such as the domain of thermal diffusion and sound intensity in audio rooms. . etc. On the other hand, in previous articles we have shown that the so-called theory of Cairo techniques and its chains of B matrices are more complete. They can numerically resolve both the macroscopic energy field on the thermodynamic scale, such as the energy field in thermal diffusion PDEs, and the sound energy field of PDEs in audio rooms. . etc. In a precise and revolutionary way. Additionally, they are also capable of describing and resolving the quantum energy distribution at the microscopic scale initially described via the Schrödinger equation and its derivatives. Considering that they can describe and solve pure mathematical problems such as numerical integration and infinite integer series in more detail, we better conclude that the numerical statistical methods of Cairo techniques and its B matrix chains are capable of describing almost all fields with the exception of the gravitational field (of general relativity) which will be the subject of the next article. Therefore, we propose that the Cairo techniques and their B-matrix chains constitute the required foundations of a unified field theory. It's logical and it makes sense. In this paper, we present detailed theoretical and numerical studies of six diverse physical and mathematical studies where the numerical results are surprisingly accurate. In conclusion, B-matrix strings and numerical statistical theory of Cairo techniques provide a framework for a unified energy density field theory. Schrödinger's equation can be considered as a diffusion equation with a diffusion coefficient β 2 = ħ / 2 m . D=(6.65E-34/2 Pi/2.9.31E-31=E-34/18.6 E-31=E- 3/18.6=5.6E-4. . !! SQRT Mue 0/Eps 0)=377 Ohm = Z01/Z0 =2.65 E-3 mho