This article first summarizes our previous work on Educational Modelling and Visual Editors, to provide the context for our more recent work within the LORNET [1] research network that has led to the development of TELOS, an ontology-based system to support the design, development and delivery of Semantic Web learning environments. Within that system, a central piece is the Scenario Editor that enables the aggregation of resources (actors, activities, operations, documents, tools) into a visual multi-actor workflow/learnflow, which is the central model defining the environment. Another piece is the Ontology Editor that is used to associate execution and domain knowledge semantics to entities in the scenario. Using these tools, a new version of the Planet Game scenario has been build as a case study including an IMS-LD design at level A, B, C. We will analyze the case study to underline how it addresses some difficulties in the use of the IMS-LD specification. Finally, we will discuss the generality of this ontology-driven approach and this contribution to the field of educational modelling.