Background This study introduced the Standard Days Method™ (SDM), a fertility awareness-based method of family planning, to couples in a region of Istanbul, Turkey who were using a method of low effectiveness or no family planning method. The objective was to determine potential demand for, and satisfaction with, the SDM.Methods A total of 657 couples were selected by systematic sampling and offered the SDM. Those accepting this method were interviewed 1 and 3 months after starting the SDM.Results Some 47% of the participants were satisfied with the method and intended to continue using it.Conclusions Potential demand for the SDM was 80.3% (278/346 eligible women) among couples who were using a method of low effectiveness or no family planning method. Our results suggest that adding the SDM to the contraceptive method mix may benefit Turkish women. G The main reasons for discontinuation were distrust of the method and the long periods of abstinence/protected intercourse required.G Reasons for satisfaction were having unprotected intercourse during the infertile days and fertility awareness.G Adding the SDM to the method mix may benefit Turkish women.G Linking the SDM to withdrawal -or promoting it as an adjunct for withdrawal -may improve acceptability among Turkish couples.