CO 2 capturing technologies, despite the fact that they have been introduced a few decades ago, are suffering from a wide implementation across the industries. Governments, after the 2015 Paris climate change agreement had decided to lower the level of carbon emission to a certain degree depending on the region and the countries environmental state. The commitments worth billions of dollars had doomed to accomplish a significant practical advancement. Reports indicate that none of the 22 CO 2 capture proposals across Australia had come to reality. In this article, a precise focus had been placed on the political and economical aspects of these technologies aiming to tackle the barriers exist. Legislations and regulations had been reviewed for political evaluation purposes. Carbon tax levy and its economical benefits, if remained in effect, had been discussed. For the purpose of economical evaluation, the Australian job market had gone under investigation. Data mining techniques had been deployed in order to extract data from the total number of job advertisements and the positions which had been stating environmental assessment as a keyword in their job description had been picked as to be an indication for employability.