Following Karwoski, Odbert, and Osgood (Journal of General Psychology 26:199-222, 1942), in the present article, cross-sensory correspondences are proposed to reflect the alignment of, and extensive bidirectional cross-activation among, dimensions of connotative meaning. The size-brightness correspondence predicted on this basis (in which smaller is aligned with brighter) was confirmed in two ways. First, when participants explored three wooden balls of different size by touch alone and indicated how bright they thought each of them was, the smaller ball was judged to be brighter than the bigger ball. Second, when these two balls served as response keys in a speeded brightnessclassification task, participants were quicker and more likely to be correct when confirming that a stimulus was bright (dark) when this required them to press the smaller (bigger) key, than when it required them to press the bigger (smaller) key. This congruity effect originated from interactions embedded in the later stages of information processing concerned with stimulus classification and response selection. These results, together with the observation that the cross-sensory features associated with smallness are the same as those associated with higher pitch sounds (i.e., both attributes are more active, brighter, faster, lighter in weight, quieter, sharper, and weaker than their opposites), support the suggestion that there exists a core set of cross-sensory correspondences that emerges whichever stimulus feature is used to probe it.Keywords Size-brightness correspondence . Cross-sensory correspondences . Connotative meaning . Congruity .
Speeded classificationOur sensory systems provide different types of converging evidence about objects and events. For example, they provide equivalent information (see Marks, 1978) about the same measurable feature of an object, as when vision and touch both provide information about its surface texture. Different sensory channels also provide corresponding information (what Marks, 1978, calls analogous information) about an object, as when vision and audition both indicate its connotative brightness, the former by registering its surface brightness, the latter by registering that it makes relatively bright (i.e., high-pitched) sounds. 1 The provision of corresponding connotative information through different sensory channels was the focus of the present study.
2Early evidence for cross-sensory correspondences has come from studies of sound symbolism (e.g., Kohler, 1929;Sapir, 1929), visual-hearing synaesthesia (see Marks, 1975, for a review), and the universal connotative meanings of elementary stimulus features (e.g., Karwoski, Odbert, & Osgood, 1942). In visual-hearing synaesthesia, for example, higher pitched sounds induce visual forms that are brighter, 1 The connotations (connotative meaning) of any kind of stimulus are what it suggests, implies, or invokes, rather than what it explicitly or directly denotes. 2 Sensory channels are rather loosely conceived to be those parts of the ...