Resonance light-scattering correlation
spectroscopy (RLSCS) is
a new single-particle detection method with its working principle
being like fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). RLSCS is obtained
by autocorrelation function analysis on the measured fluctuation of
the resonance light scattering (RLS) intensity occurring within a
subfemtoliter volume when a single nanoparticle (such as gold nanoparticles
(NPs) or silver (SNPs)) freely diffuses through the volume. The RLSCS
technique can detect such parameters as concentration, diffusion coefficient
(translation and rotation), etc. Compared with the FCS technique,
the correlated fluorescence intensity signal in RLSCS is replaced
with the RLS signal of the nanoparticles, overcoming some limits of
the fluorescent probes such as photobleaching under high-intensity
or long-term illumination. In this Account, we showcase RLSCS methods,
theoretical models at different optical configurations, and some key
applications. First, the RLSCS optical detection system was constructed
based on the confocal optics, its theoretical model was proposed,
and the diffusion behaviors of the nanoparticles in the solution were
studied including the rotational and translational diffusion. And,
methods were developed to measure the concentration, size, aspect
ratio, and size distribution of the NPs. Second, based on the RLSCS
methods, some detection strategies were developed for homogeneous
DNA detection, immunoassay, apoptosis assay, self-thermophoresis of
the nanomotor, and quantitative assay in single living cells. Meanwhile,
a new fluorescence/scattering cross-correlation spectroscopy (FSCCS)
method was proposed for monitoring the molecule–particle interaction.
This method enriched the conventional fluorescence/fluorescence cross-correlation
spectroscopy (FCCS) method. Third, using the EMCCD with high sensitivity
and rapid response as an optical detector, two temporospatially resolved
scattering correlation spectroscopy methods and their theoretical
models were developed: total internal reflection (TIR) configuration-based
spatially resolved scattering correlation spectroscopy (SRSCS) and
dark-field illumination-based scattering correlation spectroscopy
(DFSCS). These methods extended single-spot confocal RLSCS to imaging
RLSCS, which makes RLSCS have the ability for multiple channel detection
with temporospatial resolution. The method was successfully used for
investigating the dynamic behaviors of gold NPs in live cells and
obtained its temporospatial concentration distribution and diffusion
behaviors. The final section of this Account outlines future directions
in the development of RLSCS.