Brillouin scattering has applications ranging from signal processing [1, 2], sensing [3] and microscopy [4], to quantum information [5] and fundamental science [6, 7]. Most of these applications rely on the electrostrictive interaction between light and phonons [3, 7, 8]. Here we show that in liquids optically-induced surface deformations can provide an alternative and far stronger interaction. This allows the demonstration of ultralow threshold Brillouin lasing and strong phonon-mediated optical coupling for the first time. This form of strong coupling is a key capability for Brillouin-reconfigurable optical switches and circuits [9, 10], for photonic quantum interfaces [11], and to generate synthetic electromagnetic fields [12, 13]. While applicable to liquids quite generally, our demonstration uses superfluid helium. Configured as a Brillouin gyroscope [14] this provides the prospect of measuring superfluid circulation with unprecedented precision, and to explore the rich physics of quantum fluid dynamics, from quantized vorticity to quantum turbulence [15, 16].Brillouin scattering is an optomechanical process that couples two optical waves via their interaction with travelling acoustic phonons. In the electrostrictive interaction usually employed, the optical electric field induces strain in a bulk medium, and the generated phonons scatter light between the two optical waves via refractive index changes caused by the medium's photoelasticity. However, the inherent weakness of this interaction presents a significant challenge [3], necessitating the use of high optical powers and prohibiting some applications. This can be alleviated by resonant enhancement in an optical cavity, which has allowed recent demonstrations of ultralow linewidth lasers [17, 18], Brillouin lasing in liquid droplets [8], non-reciprocal optical transport [19], Brillouin gyroscopes [14] and low-noise microwave oscillators [2]. Alternatively, optically-induced deformations of the boundary of the medium can be leveraged to provide a Brillouin interaction, with scattering induced by the effective refractive index-modulation caused by the deformation. In purpose-engineered solid structures these surface interactions can be made comparable to, or even exceed, the native electrostriction [20][21][22].Here, we transfer the concept of deformation-induced Brillouin scattering to liquid media, specifically a fewnanometer-thick superfluid helium film that coats the surface of a silica microdisk cavity and couples to its whispering gallery modes (see Fig. 1a,b) via perturbation of their evanescent field. Similar to other liquids [23], the superfluid film has an exceedingly weak restoring force, affording a compliant dielectric interface that easily deforms in the presence of optical forces [24, 25], as illustrated in Fig. 1c. This offers the potential for very large surface deformations and consequently extreme interaction strengths. We show that it allows radiation-pressure interactions with acoustic phonons that are over two orders of magnitude ...