The quantum mechanical relaxation rate for a high-frequency vibrational mode is evaluated for a one-dimensional model system having two diatomic molecules involved in a collinear collision. The thermally averaged rate is obtained as an integral over energies for the relative translation of the two molecules. These calculations show that energies several times K(B)T make the largest contributions to the rate. Several orders of magnitude of cancellation due to phase interference is found in the evaluation of the coupling matrix elements between the initial and final states, and this is one of the main factors leading to the very small value for the relaxation rate. The region near the classical turning point in the relative translational motion of the colliding molecules dominates the calculation of the contribution to the rate at each energy. Calculations using low-order expansions of the translational potential energy and the interstate coupling about this turning point provide good approximations to the exact quantum mechanical rate. This suggests a possible method for performing calculations of the rate by means of realistic simulations of liquid systems.