OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Brazil is part of a new series of OECD country reviews. The OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation analyse recent developments of the digital economy in countries, review policies related to digitalisation and make recommendations to increase policy coherence in this area.Going Digital in Brazil examines recent developments in infrastructures for the digital economy, telecom markets, and related regulations and policies in Brazil. It reviews trends in the use of digital technologies by individuals, businesses and the government, and examines policies to foster diffusion. The Review also examines opportunities and challenges raised by digitalisation in key areas and analyses policy responses to these changes. The areas covered range from innovation and skills to digital security and data governance.The Review considers these policies in relation to their coherence among different domains in order to foster synergies across government ministries and institutions, based on the OECD Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework.Going Digital in Brazil was undertaken following an invitation by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications of Brazil (MCTIC), 1 which also provided financial support. The Review was carried out by the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation under the auspices of the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy.The Review was prepared by a team led by Vincenzo Spiezia and including Laurent Bernat, Elettra Ronchi, Lucia Russo, Jan Tscheke, Verena Weber and Akira Yoshida, under the supervision of Anne Carblanc and Audrey Plonk, respectively former and current Head of the Digital Economy Division. Chapter 2 is based on the findings of the OECD Telecommunication and Broadcasting Review of Brazil, prepared by a team led by Verena Weber. The Review has also benefitted from comments by