A capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students ( Th e Glossary of Educational Reform, 2016 ). Capstone projects in social work are typically designed to foster critical thinking and to develop written and oral communication skills as well as research skills. Th ey are also used as a vehicle for Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) students to demonstrate mastery of the professional social work competencies. Capstone projects tied to students' fi eld placements can also be used to foster organizational and/or community change to promote social justice and improved social work services.Capstone projects are oft en viewed as learning pathways that expand the educational experience beyond the courses off ered ( Th e Glossary of Educational Reform, 2013 ). Th ey allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in individual courses Th is chapter discusses capstone research projects' purposes, the Council on Social Work Education ( CSWE, 2015 ) professional competencies, the National Association of Social Workers ( NASW, 2017 ) Code of Ethics , ethical research principles and standards, institutional review boards, informed consent, and diff erent types of applied research.By the end of the chapter, you will be able to do the following:• Describe the purpose of capstone projects and learning pathways. • List nine professional social work competencies. • Describe the concept of holistic competency. • Describe the NASW Research and Evaluation ethical standards. • Determine if a research project requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. • Create an informed consent form. • Describe fi ve approaches to applied social work research.