The aim of our research was to present the properties of alluvial soils from mountain forest areas. Additionally, the paper presents the vegetation accompanying the studied soils. The detailed characteristics will include the stand and the undergrowth. 10 study plots representing mountain areas were included in the study. Study plots were located in the mountains in the Bielsko, Ustroń, Szklarska Poręba, Węgierska Górka forest districts as well as the Bieszczadzki, Babiogórski and Tatrzański National Parks. At each sample plot a detailed description of soil profi le has been carried out, samples were collected from each genetic horizon in order to perform the basic determinations of the soil properties. On each research plot, a phytosociological relevé using the Braun-Blanquet method and a taxonomic description of the tree stand were performed. The diagnosis of forest site type was determined according to forest management principles and the Trophic Soil Index was calculated. The properties of mountain alluvial soils are related to the properties of the rock complexes within which alluvial terraces are formed. Mountain alluvial soils belong to various groups (Fluvisols, Leptosols, Cambisols, Phaeozems), which depend on the valley location and anthropogenic factors. River regulation and the disappearance of fl oods result in the formation of soils with a cambic horizon and acidifi cation of the surface horizons devoid of the infl uence of water. Two main plant communities are associated with mountain alluvial soils: Alnetum incanae and Carici remotae-Fraxinetum. Ecosystems related to mountain alluvial soils are very valuable due to their high biodiversity and fulfi lling various ecosystem functions.