The state of Montana encompasses and defines rural health care as it is known in the United States (US) today. This vast area is punctuated by pockets of health care availability with varying access to blood products for transfusion. Furthermore, timely transport is frequently challenged by weather that may limit air transportation options, resulting in multiple hours in ground transport to definitive care.
Patients and Methods
The Montana State Trauma Care Committee (MT-STCC) developed the Montana Interfacility Blood Network (MT-IBN) to ensure blood availability in geographically distanced cases where patients may otherwise not survive. The index case that led to the formal development of the MT-IBN is described, followed by a second case illustrating the IBN process.
This process and development manuscript details the innovative efforts of MT-STCC to develop this fledgling idea unique to rural US health care. We review guidelines that have been developed to define broad aspects of the MT-IBN including the reason to share resources, proper packaging, paperwork necessary for transfer, and how to provide resources directly to the patient. Finally, we describe implementation within the state.
The MT-IBN was developed by MT-STCC to facilitate the hand-off of lifesaving blood to patients being transported by ground to definitive care in Montana without having to stop at an intermediary facility. This has already led to lives saved in areas that are limited in blood availability due to rurality.