Introduction: Giant condylomata acuminata (GCA) is a rare presentation of anogenital wart (AGW), invasive locally but does not metastasize. Combination therapy for GCA is suggested based on modalities and experiences. The combination of TCA and podophyllin has showed good efficacy, followed by electrocautery to eradicate warts. Case: A 24-year-old male had a chief complaint of large warts on the base of the penis that had started to bleed for 4 weeks. The initial lesion appeared 8 months prior as a small varucose papule. The patient is unmarried and has history of sexual contact with sex workers. Physical examination showed multiple verrucous papules, flesh-coloured, cauliflower-like shaped, 5 × 2 × 1 cm in size. The patient tested negative for HIV infection. Histopathological examination showed acanthosis, exophytic growth, parakeratosis, and koilocytosis with no signs of malignancy. This patient received a combination of TCA 90% and podophyllin 25% to initially reduce the tumor size, followed by electrocautery to eradicate the remaining lesions. The tumor showed complete clearance. Discussion: There is no definitive evidence that one therapy is superior to completely eliminating warts. Combination therapy of TCA and podophyllin leads to complete wart clearance, followed by electrocautery to destroy smaller warts.