We report a case of 48year old man presented with icter, itching and nausea and vomiting. He had developed a severe hepatotoxic reaction, after treatment with acitretin (oral retinoid, which is the derivative of etretinate). Histological findings showed the development of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Elevated serum aminotransferase levels, which are usually reversible, have been reported during treatment with acitretin, however; the present study indicates a warning message that severe hepatotoxic injury may follow this treatment. Ab, HCV Ab, HIV Ab1, 2, Anti HSV Ab, Anti EBV Ab, Anti VZV Ab, Anti CMV Ab) with negative results and the other laboratory investigations such as; Antinuclear Ab, ASMA, Anti-LKM Ab, serum protein electerophoresis, Ferritin, Anti-mitochondrial Ab, P-ANCA, ASCA, IgG4, TSH, Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgG and IgA Ab) with normal range results. LDH and liver enzyme were decreased during hospital course without any significant change in ALP and Bilirubin level.
KeywordsUpper endoscopy was done with normal results. Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) was done with the result of periportal and pericholecystic edema and decreased intrahepatic bile ducts diameter due to parenchymal hepatic edema. The other parts were normal according to the report (Figure 1).
Figure 1Periportal and pericholecystic edema were found, the diameter of intrahepatic bile ducts was less than normal and pruned that could be due to parenchymal hepatic edema.Finally, liver biopsy was done .The sample was stained with Hematoxylin, and Eosin, Trichrome and Reticulin. Extensive lobular architecture disarray with marked necro-inflammatory changes of parenchyma characterized by obvious hydropic changes and single cell necrosis of hepatocytes as well as infiltration of mixed inflammatory cells was shown in Hematoxylin, and Eosin staining (Figure 2). Collapse of reticulin network associated with psuedolobule formation as well as portal fibrosis was shown in Reticulin and MassonTrichrome staining (Figure 3,4). Overall findings were in favor of an acute/sub acute liver injury according to Modified HAI score grade: 14/18, stage: 3/6. The patient with the diagnosis of acitretin induced cirrhosis was referred to liver transplantation clinic. After one week admission course the patient was discharged with relative symptome relief and was requested for monthly follow-up .Five months later in monthly follow-up visit ,these data was found; AST=31U/L(12- Liver fibroscan (Fibroscan model 502 touch, Echosence France, Paris) was done 5months later that revealed fibrosis score of F3 (10.1kPa) based on metavir histological index, and steatosis score of 332 (dB/m) which is equal to 80% steatosis, S3 stage. We followed the patient for 9months without any change in general clinical condition and liver function tests.
DiscussionThe American Academy of Dermatology suggests a protocol for monitoring of these patients, as follows: CBC and renal function tests (baseline and then every 12weeks); lipid profile BS in diabetic p...