Abstract-We studied the impact of the lithography mask discretization on silicon arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) performance. When we decreased the mask grid from 5 to 1 nm, we observed an experimental improvement in crosstalk of 2.7-6 dB and cumulative crosstalk improvement of 1.2-5 dB, depending on the wavelength channel spacing and the number of output channels. We demonstrate the effect for the AWGs with 200-and 400-GHz channel spacing, with 4, 8, and 16 output wavelength channels. With 1-nm mask grid, the average crosstalk is −26 and −23 dB for 400-and 200-GHz devices, respectively. This is the lowest crosstalk for silicon AWGs reported to the best of our knowledge. A simulation study is performed by looking specifically at phase errors due to mask grid snapping (ignoring other phase error sources), which shows an expected improvement in crosstalk of 12 dB.