This perper is cledicnrecl to Professor Sigerlt Huzitlcrgn otz the occersiotl of his 65th Dirrt~dc~yYOSHIKO S A K A I , EISAKU MIYOSHI, and TOSINOBU ANNO. Can. J. Chem. 70, 309 (1992).Multireference singly and doubly excited CI (MRSDCI) calculations are performed on the NaI rnolecule by using a model potential method. The potential energy curves of the ground and first excited 'C+ states are generated over a wide range of internuclear distance R . The curves yield the avoided crossing, which is expected to arise by the mixing of the ionic and covalent configurations, and thus the curve of the first excited state shows a shallow minimum. The geometrical parameters, dipole moment. and dissociation energy are calculated. The agreement of those with the experimental results is satisfactory.