Clear PKIKP precursors were observed from the Lanzhou CTBTO seismic array. We measured their incident angles, arriving azimuths and differential travel times with respect to the PKIKP arrivals using array analysis techniques. These measurements allowed us to locate the scatterers that generated the observed precursors. We found that the scatterers are located in the lowermost mantle beneath eastern Tibet, which is featured by a high-velocity anomaly based on previous tomographic studies. The high velocity anomaly was interpreted as the slab remnants of the ancient Tethys subduction. We thus speculate that the observed scatterers are either related or induced by the subducted slab.
PKIKP precursors, scatterers, base of the mantle, Lanzhou CTBTO seismic array, Ancient TethysCitation: Shen X Z, Zhou H L. Locating seismic scatterers at the base of the mantle beneath eastern Tibet with PKIKP precursors. PKIKP (or PKPdf) precursors are frequently employed to explore the bottom of mantle or D double prime (D''). The amplitudes of the precursors before PKIKP are weak, and only are recorded in the epicentral distance range of 125°-143°. Hedlin and Shearer [1] systematically studied PKIKP precursors recorded by the Global Seismic Network (GSN). PKIKP precursors were first observed by Gutenberg and Richter [2], which precede PKIKP by as much as 18 s and increase gradually in amplitude with time. There were numerous hypotheses for the origin of the precursors [3−6]. A widely-accepted view about PKIKP precursors was first proposed by Haddon [7] in 1972-PKIKP precursors are caused not by radial structures of the earth but rather result from the scatterers inside the D'' region (the bottom a few hundred kilometers of the mantle) or from short-scale topography of the core-mantle-boundary (CMB). This viewpoint was further documented in detail by Cleary and Haddon [8].The results with higher precision from seismic array analyses have also suggested that the precursors are scattered waves from the lower mantle [9 − 12], because observed arrival times, amplitudes, incident angles and arrival azimuths can be well explained by scattering theory. In general, a scattered wave traverses a longer path than a direct wave does, and consequently it arrives after the direct wave. Haddon [7] showed that PKIKP precursors are able to precede the reference phase because of the distorted ray geometries resulting from the scatterers in the lower mantle. Global simulations with single and multiple scatterers distributed in the mantle have improved our understanding of PKIKP precursors [13 − 15]. PKIKP precursors provide a unique time window to study the scatterers in the mantle because they arrive before any other seismic phases and are not contaminated by direct waves or resonances. Numerous PKIKP precursors were observed in the high signal-to-noise ratio data recorded by global and local seismic networks, large and small aperture seismic arrays [1,16,17].Despite a large amount of observations on the PKIKP