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SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF:This reports summarizes an investigation of coupling broadband piezoelectric actuators with large force microjet actuators to achieve pulsed flow control over a broad frequency range. The development is relevant to a range of flow control problems for rotorcraft noise control and dynamic stall, jet inlet flow separation, cavity bay flow control, etc. The results have provided multi-physics modeling describing the actuator dynamics, high fidelity aero-acoustic computations, and smart structure and fluid dynamic experimental characterization. It is shown that
ABSTRACTThis reports summarizes an investigation of coupling broadband piezoelectric actuators with large force microjet actuators to achieve pulsed flow control over a broad frequency range. The development is relevant to a range of flow control problems for rotorcraft noise control and dynamic stall, jet inlet flow separation, cavity bay flow control, etc. The results have provided multi-physics modeling describing the actuator dynamics, high fidelity aero-acoustic computations, and smart structure and fluid dynamic experimental characterization. It is shown that the piezoelectric actuator achieved pulsed flow actuation from quasi-static up to at least 1.6kHz. Pulsed supersonic microjet flow was confirmed using micro-schlieren imagery up to 800Hz. The first design was also extended to a highly compact microjet actuator capable of comparable pulsed actuation which is expected to facilitate technology transfer.
(c) Presentations
Number of Presentations:1.00
Non Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceeding publications (other than abstracts):Number of Non Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceeding publications (other than abstracts): 0
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceeding publications (other than abstracts):Hogue, J., Kumar, R., Alvi, F., Oates, W., "Experimental Characterization of Broad Bandwidth Piezohydraulic Microjets", to be submitted to J. Mater. Syst. Struct.
(d) ManuscriptsNumber of Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceeding publications (other than abstracts): 0 The number of undergraduates funded by this agr...