Various methods are used to locate cloud-toground lightning flash. The accuracy of the methods depends on the number of sensor stations, station topology, mathematical model adopted for the analyses, and the type of measuring equipment. For a single station with the configuration of short baseline in a measuring system, the accuracy of analysis is mostly based on the chosen mathematical equations (and assumptions) which can be solved in either linear or nonlinear mode. This paper concentrates on the simulation of a lightning flash and its detection based on the Time of Arrival (TOA) method by utilizing four broadband antennas. The accuracy of the TOA method is also evaluated in this work. A Matlab based simulation of the measuring system is implemented to construct a randomly located lightning flash with its corresponding electromagnetic radiation. Then, suitable mathematical models used as measurement systems based on the 3-antenna TOA method to determine the azimuth and elevation angles, which in turn can be used for the calculation of flash coordinates in term of (X,Y,Z) with the help of the fourth antenna.