“…In particular, compressed methods are analyzed in the conjuction with variance reduction [Horváth et al, 2019b, Gorbunov et al, 2020b, Danilova and Gorbunov, 2022, acceleration , Li and Richtárik, 2021, Qian et al, 2021b, decentralized communications [Koloskova et al, 2019, Kovalev et al, 2021, local steps [Basu et al, 2019, Haddadpour et al, 2021, adaptive compression [Faghri et al, 2020], second-order methods , Safaryan et al, 2021, and min-max optimization [Beznosikov et al, 2021[Beznosikov et al, , 2022. However, to our knowledge, only one work studies communication compression in the context of Byzantine-robustness [Zhu and Ling, 2021] (see the discussion above Q2). Our work makes a further step towards closing this significant gap in the literature.…”